
The meaning of wedding

Many people think that marriage is just getting a marriage certificate, inviting some relatives and friends, and toasting each other. Especially for male friends, the concept of wedding only stays on the surface, but women are often full of expectations for weddings, and often dream of the moment when they put on their wedding dresses. What does a wedding mean to a woman? Why do many girls yearn for a romantic wedding? I think the answer should be: the sense of ceremony of a wedding.

Some people think: In fact, a wedding is not all about love. We fantasize about the most beautiful appearance of two people in love, but in the end, we find that what we want is marriage, a marriage that manages everything with each other, not a wedding.

Love is originally a very fragile thing, but the wedding is undoubtedly the concentrated embodiment of the highest sense of ceremony of love. Whether it is grand or simple, as long as it is done with heart, any wedding can make the parties unforgettable and burst into tears. Witnessed by relatives and friends, the beautiful wedding march sounded, the handsome groom and the beautiful bride walked hand in hand slowly across the red carpet and onto the ceremony stage. When the host asked them if they were willing to accompany each other forever and never leave each other no matter what unknown things happened, both parties answered loudly: “I do”, which is undoubtedly the greatest value we give to this love. Although not every bride and groom is happy, every wedding is wonderful.

To some extent, a man’s attitude towards the wedding is his true attitude towards you in his heart. The essence of marriage is the same, but the form of the wedding can be ever-changing. The purpose of the wedding is to make the other party feel that I love you, I want to give you an unforgettable wedding, and I want to manage our love and marriage with you. The wedding is not the whole of marriage, but an impressive wedding may become a woman’s lifelong dream. The happiness brought by it not only makes ordinary days happy, but also improves the quality of sleep at night. Marriage is the fusion of two families. The wedding is the real beginning of married life. It does not simply belong to the groom or the bride, but is the first memorable event completed by two families together. The wedding is not just a formality. It contains the couple’s yearning for a better life, as well as the most sincere blessings of parents and friends to the newlyweds.


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